Monday, October 3, 2011

Ron Paul on the Horizon

Ron Paul Proving To Be a Force in GOP Contest

This article describes Ron Paul's recent increase in popularity and whether his role in the upcoming presidential election is one of a spoiler or a potential frontrunner.
My struggle with this article is the idea that all Ron Paul will be is a spoiler.  I see where the author is coming from of course, with the swinging from Republican to Libertarian to Republican again and with two failed runs for president, but it seems like something is different this year.
The piece begins using the phrase "passionate conservative".  In this nation's current state, that's exactly what people are looking for, a Republican in order to get us out of the rut we've been in, but someone a little softer who citizens could relate to.  Not to mention the subtle yet entirely noticeable comparison to George Bush, the original "Compassionate Conservative".  (We all remember:)
Anyhow, he also is on several financial committees as the representative of the 14th Congressional District in Texas which is a virtue at the point of our economic status.  Something that might stunt his ability to be a true contender in the Republican race would be his fringe subjects, but there's certainly hope with the rise in popularity of Tea Party, his improving campaign strategies, etc.
There's a lot of talk that Paul is simply going to take votes away from Rick Perry and Mitt Romney, but with Perry's popularity drop lately and Herman Cain's recent rise, it's quite the toss up.

(This article was linked to from the Houston Chronicle)

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